What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture provides an opportunity for members of the community to directly invest in their local foodshed by committing to buying a weekly or bi-weekly bag of produce. By choosing to be a Dove’s Landing Farm CSA Member, you are making a commitment to help support a small, sustainable, local farm. This allows families and individuals direct access to fresh seasonal produce, a personal relationship with their farmers and greater community building between producer and consumer.
A CSA brings the consumer and the farmer together – enhancing ecological diversity, facilitating the recycling of important nutrients and waste products, and maximizing the self-sufficiency of family farms.

What about you?

  1. Would you like weekly deliveries of vine- ripened tomatoes and vegetables, and crisp sweet Apples at a reasonable cost?
  2. Would you like to eat vitamin- and nutrient-rich produce grown organically, without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides?
  3. Would you like to encourage responsible, sustainable stewardship of a local family farm right here in Versailles Kentucky??


FLAVOR: Discover the taste you’ve been craving! Our produce is grown, hand-picked, meticulously washed, expertly packed, and promptly delivered to our cherished members. With quality that surpasses any grocery store, our fresh produce is sure to delight your taste buds. Join us today and experience the difference!

HEALTH: Unlock the secret to eternal youth with the right ingredients. Keep your food journey short to maximize the nutrients in your meals. A fridge filled with beautiful fresh produce not only tantalizes your taste buds but also offers a healthier lifestyle. Let’s start on a journey to a healthier, happier you today.

COMMUNITY: Connect with your farmers and neighbors at our exclusive CSA Member events hosted on the farm.

LEARN, Expand your culinary horizons by sampling unusual varieties and enjoying fresh, locally grown produce.

ENVIRONMENT: Reduce your carbon footprint by buying local food to minimize the distance food travels, reduce packaging, and avoid pesticides and fungicides used in conventional agriculture.

INVEST: Support small farms in your community to secure their future and keep your hard-earned dollars local..




3 Month


All Fruit


Whole Chicken

Egg add ons