Nestled in the heart of Kentucky, you’ll find Dove’s Landing Farm LLC, a place that stands out among the vast array of farms in the region. Unlike many others, Dove’s Landing Farm is not just about producing high-quality crops and raising healthy animals, but it is also about providing a warm and welcoming environment for people to come together and connect.

At Dove’s Landing Farm, employees and volunteers are treated like family and are given all the necessary support to help them thrive. The farm also plays a vital role in serving its local community, helping those in need, and providing opportunities for growth and development.

One of the unique aspects of being part of Dove’s Landing Farm’s CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program is the sense of belonging and community that it fosters. Many of the farm-share families have been with the farm for years and have become part of the extended family. The children of these families are often hired to work at the farm and grow up with fond memories of running through the fields, playing with the animals, and enjoying fresh, locally grown food.

It’s not uncommon for former farm-share families to return to Dove’s Landing Farm to visit their special animal friends, send Christmas cards and notes throughout the year, and continue to support the farm even after they have moved away. All these contributions, ideas, and suggestions from the community have been crucial for the farm’s success and essential in making it the thriving and unique place it is today.

Changing Lives ONE BITE AT A TIME!

About The Growing Method

At our core, we believe in responsible land stewardship that prioritizes the health of our environment. And we are thrilled to announce that our hard work is paying off! Thanks to our commitment to sustainable growing methods that prioritize water quality and soil health, we’re seeing fantastic results. Our crops are flourishing, and we’re not using any harmful chemicals in our farming. It’s a win-win situation for both our business and the planet, and we are so honored to be part of a team that’s making a positive global planet impact .

About Our Art

We draw inspiration from our various farm experiences and use different media to capture and recreate those precious and stimulating moments. Whether we create landscapes, abstracts, or pet portraits in our Plein Air Studio, transform glass into melted masterpieces in our indoor studio, or take custom contract work to our indoor studio, the quietness and relaxation of the farm allow our creativity to flow from our minds and souls to our hands and our masterpieces.

Artisan Goat Milk Soap

Discover our collection of handcrafted Artisan Goat Milk Soaps – the epitome of bath artistry. Each luxurious bar is distinguished by its unique pattern, aroma, and pigment. Dove’s Landing Farm’s Artisan Goat Milk Soaps are created using natural oils, natural exfoliants, mineral pigments, and essential aroma oils, resulting in stunning one-of-a-kind functional pieces of art.

Are you tired of not knowing where your produce comes from? Here at Dove’s Landing, we understand the importance of having fresh produce and talking to your farmer directly. That’s why we’ve been spreading the joy of fresh produce through our Home parties. And now, you can host a produce cooking party and get hands-on with our fresh produce while tasting the difference.

Our farmer will lead you and your guests in a fun and interactive cooking experience. You’ll make a recipe or two to share, learn nutrition facts, plus pick up lots of cooking tips and tricks for fresh produce. With a variety of party themes to choose from, you’ll find the perfect one for your needs.

So, are you ready to experience the difference? Book a party now and let us show you and your friends how to cook with fresh produce like a pro. At Dove’s Landing, we’re committed to providing you with the best quality produce and the knowledge to cook it in a way that’s healthy and delicious.